Lumikai GP, Salone was featured in Anshu Patni Singhi's podcast. Salone speaks about her experience finding her own voice and breaking the glass ceiling as the world's first female GP of an interactive media fund. She also shares notes on how female founders can get venture backing.
Watch the full video here:
Episode Description
This week's guest on Questions I wanted to Ask is Salone Sehgal, who is world's first female General Partner of a Games and Interactive VC fund. Salone co-founded Lumikai Fund which is India's first early-stage interactive media and gaming VC. Salone has spoken about the preparation that female founders require to build venture-backed companies, her own stories of finding her ways through startup and gaming which are heavily male-dominated industries to now giving it back by encouraging more woman founders through her fund Lumikai.
1:47 Introduction
4:44 Perspective on Changing cities and jobs
8:16 The backing
12:36 The higher purpose
17:55 Training and development for the female entrepreneur
21:22 Reaching out
25:39 How to reach the leadership level
33:12 Creating chemistries
36:37 Marketing yourself
44:48 Managing personal life